Saturday, October 18, 2008

At the Cowboy Shoot

My friend, Joyce M., has been talking about "Cowboy Shoots" for years. This year, the cowboy shoot in Jackson was dedicated to Joyce's deceased husband, whose shooter nickname was Bullwinkle. So, Joyce Rose and I attended. We missed the brief dedication, but we were there in time to hear all the safety details. We then followed Joyce to the place where she would be shooting (for the first time in a shoot). We had to wear earplugs and eye protection. All the cowboys and cowgirls were dressed in full costume. It was weird, being in a setting with most people dressed in period clothing, seeing them drive golf carts. Kind of strange.
Tomorrow is C's sixth birthday, a superhero training camp. Firehouse, lots and lots of planned activities. We have to bring lots of things with us to help out.
Pictures of the cowboy shoot:

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